Reach Regulation

Information on REACH Regulation (EG) No. 1907/2006

updated 07/20/2023

ECHA has added new substances to the candidate list on 06/14/2023, 01/17/2023 and 06/10/2022.

The newly added substances are not included in our products.

updated 05/12/2022

ECHA has newly added further substances to the candidate list by 17.01.2022.
The substance 2,2-methylenebis(6-T-butyl-4-methylphenol) with CAS No. 119-47-1 is present in the following adhesives at > 0.1%:

  • epple 200/s toluene-free 
  • epple 4851-new
  • epple 5851-neu Comp

updated 09/07/2020

ECHA has added new substances to the candidate list on 25/06/2020.

updated 02/14/2020

On 16.01.2020, ECHA added further substances to the candidate list.

The newly included substances are not contained in our products.

updated 12/2019

ECHA has added further substances to the candidate list in 2019.

The newly included substances are not contained in our products.

updated 08/2018

In June 2018 ECHA has extended the Candidate List by ten additional substances.

Here we inform about substances which are contained in our materials according to our information obligation:

  • Articles made of red bronze and copper alloys (brass parts) contain more than 0.1% of the substance: lead, CAS - number: 7439 - 92 -1

No special precautions are required when using these products for their intended purpose.

Our gunmetal and copper alloys comply with the legal requirements in their composition. The element contents of lead (Pb) and other substances such as nickel (Ni) have been strictly limited for many years, so that the materials safely meet the migration requirements of the drinking water directives. Test series in accredited laboratories have sufficiently confirmed these results in recent years. In the tests carried out it could be proven that after a short running-in phase of the installation, the measured value for Pb is below 5 μg/liter.

updated: 03/2018

On 15 January 2018, ECHA has extended the Candidate List by seven new substances.

Here we inform about substances contained in our materials according to our information obligation:

  • PVC Rigid
  • PVC foam contains more than 0.1% of the substance: 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate (DOTE)
    CAS number: 15571-58-1.
  •  PVC suction hose version 11 in the blue-transparent color contains more than 0.1% bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)

No special precautions are required when using these products for their intended purpose.

  • Safety shoes make Otter

Premium Protect 71001, Premium Protect 71051
Premium Classics 93638, Premium Classics 98618
Premium SympaTex® 93683, Premium SympaTex® 93665, Premium SympaTex® 93681
Premium Cordura® fabric 98432, Premium Cordura® fabric 98462
Premium MFUS® 98528, Premium MFUS® 98608
New Basics Sport 93622, New Basics Sport 93646, New Basics Sport 93696
New Basics Comfort 93639, New Basics Comfort 93689, New Basics Comfort 98402,
New Basics Comfort 98403, New Basics Comfort 98445, New Basics Comfort 98445,
New Basics Comfort 98452

Parts of these articles contain the substances Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-Phthalate (DEHP) CAS 117-81-7 and Dibutylphthalate CAS 84-74 in a concentration of more than 0.1% (mass percent of the article).

The parts containing substances covered by the regulation are the ESD logo and the piping. These two parts do not come into contact with the user's skin under normal conditions of use and considering that the chemicals are trapped in the material matrix, we confirm that no special measures need to be taken to ensure safe use.